K - 6th Grades

Pique youth’s interest in computer science by exploring codes and programs using the Ozobot! The Ozobot is a miniature robot with color sensors that allow it to follow lines and read color codes to complete commands. In this program, youth will learn and draw basic color codes, integrate color codes into storytelling, and use Ozoblockly – an online coding program to explore sequential block coding.

Science Standards addressed:

  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.
  • CCSS.MATH.PRACTICE.MP7 Look for and make structure.

This project includes three sessions with a teacher from the 4-H office:

  1. To explore the Ozobot and the use of color codes
  2. To re-create classic fairytales using the Ozobot and integrating color codes
  3. To introduce drag-and-drop, sequential color coding using the Ozoblockly app to program the Ozobot

Class Type: Virtual Instruction + Supply Drop Off

Fee: $50 per classroom

To register for this class, complete the form below.


Registration Form
Class Information
School Information
Class Date and Time Preferences

All requests are subject to availability.

Teachers will receive an invoice via e-mail after the class or classes have been presented.

You can contact the 4-H Staff by calling 402-444-7804 with questions, but all registrations must be received on-line.