Kindergarten - 12th Grades (This class is not available for Pre-Schools.)
This project teaches youth how life develops by observing the process of hatching baby chicks over a four-week period.
Resource materials include:
- One dozen eggs and incubator.
- Notebook with instructions for care of the eggs.
- A poster from the University of Nebraska to further explain the stages of embryo growth.
- The "Incredible Egg" classroom curriculum guide.
Nebraska's College and Career Ready Standards of Science Addressed:
- SC.K.7.2A Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including humans) need to survive.
- SC.1.6.2.C Read Texts and Use media to determine patterns in a behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive.
- SC.3.9.3.A Develop models to describe that organisms have unique and diverse life cycles, but all have in common birth, growth, reproduction and death.
- SC.4.6.3.C Construct an argument that plants and animals have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior and reproduction.
A representative from the 4-H office will make two visits to your classroom. The first visit will introduce the project, set the eggs and begin the hatching process. The second visit will include candling the eggs and discussion of the growth which is occurring. The teacher should plan on the staff returning that next week at the same day and time for the candling session.
Fee for Embryology:
- Option 1: $60 per class, includes resource materials, delivery and pick-up of incubator AND two classroom presentations (up to 30 students).
- Option 2: $50 per class, includes resource materials, delivery and pick-up of incubator but no classroom presentations (up to 30 students).
- Option 3: If you own your own incubator - one dozen fertilized eggs can be purchased for $15 from the 4-H office. It is the teacher’s responsibility to pick up the eggs and return the chicks to the Extension office.
There are three sessions available for this program: (please make sure these dates do not interfere with your school’s breaks)
- Fall session: September 30th - October 25th
- Winter session: February 18th - March 14th
- Spring session: April 14th - May 9th
On the last day of your session a 4-H representative will pick up the clean incubator and baby chicks. All chicks must be returned to the 4-H Office on pick up day.
To register for this class, complete the form below.