Crime Scene Investigation: DNA

5th - 8th Grades

It’s what makes you, you and me, me. It can also be used to help law enforcement solve crimes. It’s Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, aka DNA! Students will get the opportunity to learn what DNA actually is and how CSI investigators use it to catch the bad guy. Students will construct DNA using K'Nex®, discover how DNA sequencing aids investigators and finally and finally, students will get to extract their OWN DNA and see it with their own two eyes!

Nebraska's College and Career Ready Standards of Science Addressed:

  • SC.5.3.1.C Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.
  • SC.6.6.2.A Conduct an investigation to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and type of cells.

This project includes one 90 minute visit with the 4-H Staff.

Class Type: Virtual Instruction + Supply Drop Off

Classroom Requirements: Smart Board, White Board or Chalk Board

Fee for Crime Scene Investigation DNA: $50 per classroom

To register for this class complete the form below.


Registration Form
Class Information
School Information
Class Date and Time Preferences

All requests are subject to availability.

Teachers will receive an invoice via e-mail after the class or classes have been presented.

You can contact the 4-H Staff by calling 402-444-7804 with questions, but all registrations must be received on-line.