Aquifers: Intro to Awesome Aquifers

5th - 7th Grades

Water is essential to human life. The water humans use comes either from surface water (a lake or river) or from groundwater (an aquifer). In this lesson, youth will work in small groups to build an aquifer! In doing so, they will learn the difference between surface and ground water sources, how they are connected, and other key components of these sources.

Nebraska’s College and Career Ready Standards of Science Addressed:

  • SC.7.7.3.C Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.
  • SC.7.13.5.C Construct an argument supported by evidence for how increases in human population and per-capita consumption of natural resources impact Earth's systems.

Class Type: In person

Fee: $45 per class

Classroom Requirements: Tables for youth to work as small groups, access to water, Wi-Fi, and projector/projector screen

Program Length: This program includes one 60-minute visit with the 4-H Staff

* This program offers a project linked to the Sarpy County Fair. If interested, please contact a 4-H professional for more details.

To register for this class, complete the form below.


Registration Form
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Class Date and Time Preferences

All requests are subject to availability.

Teachers will receive an invoice via e-mail after the class or classes have been presented.

You can contact the 4-H Staff by calling 402-444-7804 with questions, but all registrations must be received on-line.