4-H Youth Development

Adult female with youths using z-space at Douglas County Fair.

To Make the Best Better

The Nebraska Extension in Douglas-Sarpy 4-H program is open to any youth ages 5-18 and has something for everyone! The 4-H experience goes far deeper than what is seen on the surface, teaching skills that last a lifetime. Youth learn critical thinking skills, problem solving, and respect through projects. Projects also place an emphasis on making healthy lifestyle choices and hands-on activities that assist with career preparation.

Join 4-H

4-H empowers youth through a learn-by-doing approach. It promotes leadership, teamwork, and community service.

Learn How to Join!
Four smiling girls wearing Nebraska State Fair 4-H t-shirts.

4-H in the Classroom

Teachers can offer youth experiential learning programs within English language arts, mathematics, and science.

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A woman teaching two girls at a table about structures.

County and State Fair Books

This is where you can find County and State project information such as animal I.D.’s.

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A girl with her goat at the fair. Other exhibitors, goats, and spectators standing around her.

4-H Resources

This is where you can find resources for youth, leaders, 4-H manuals, and preparations for contests and fairs.

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Fair exhibitors speaking to judges at the Sarpy County Fair.


4-H Newsletters

The Weekly

Learn about all that is going on with Douglas-Sarpy 4-H programs!

View the latest issues:

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Sarpy Fair male youth exhibitor sitting on bench with two chickens, purple ribbon, and plaque.

Upcoming 4-H Events

Meet Our Team

  1. Avatar for Brett Kreifels
    Extension Educator
  2. Avatar for Stephanie Thorson
    Extension Educator
  3. Avatar for Megan Petsch
    Extension Assistant
  4. Avatar for Marci Carroll
    Support Staff